Friday, June 9, 2017


in a few days tommy will be 14 months. today he said '"I" and waved for "hi" and yesterday he started to say "ow" when something hurts he will say it haha. The last few days he kept saying "gogogogo" such a sweet boy he is. He wakes up at night a lot. working on getting him to drink from  a bottle. he can't hold it and suck he has some issues with the mouth that we are having occupational therapy come and help. he can eat anything but can't "drink" he bites the bottle and it goes into his mouth and he swallows but hasn't been able to put in center and suck. I've been ready to stop nursing. Especially where it's still every two hours. But we just love this little boy, such a goofy joy to us all. He has curls that keep growing in and talks to me as if I understand what he's saying. I love it.

12 mo