Sunday, July 9, 2017


tommy is so fun. He can hold a pencil really well, he also dances like crazy to all music and can dance or move to the beat it's really amazing. He also can whisper its really funny. He still can't drink from a cup or bottle or sippy so I'm still nursing him. I'd like to have more freedom. It's hard still nursing him every 2 hours and most of the night. Hoping we can resolve it all soon. I sure love this little boy. So thankful we have him in our family. He snuggle and hugs and loves everyone so much.

Friday, June 9, 2017


in a few days tommy will be 14 months. today he said '"I" and waved for "hi" and yesterday he started to say "ow" when something hurts he will say it haha. The last few days he kept saying "gogogogo" such a sweet boy he is. He wakes up at night a lot. working on getting him to drink from  a bottle. he can't hold it and suck he has some issues with the mouth that we are having occupational therapy come and help. he can eat anything but can't "drink" he bites the bottle and it goes into his mouth and he swallows but hasn't been able to put in center and suck. I've been ready to stop nursing. Especially where it's still every two hours. But we just love this little boy, such a goofy joy to us all. He has curls that keep growing in and talks to me as if I understand what he's saying. I love it.

12 mo

Thursday, April 6, 2017

11 mo

we are a week before Tommys 1 year birthday and he just started to wave bye bye the other day and can sign "all done" he popped another tooth through and has been sleeping a tiny bit better this week. We can only make it from 9pm to 4am max. The last 2 nights he's woken up at 3 or so. He can climb to the top of the stairs really fast and can go down them  backwards pretty well now. It's helped me feel safer that he can get down off things. He likes real big people food and we struggle feeding him anything baby food like. He's always hated it. He loves chia seed pudding of all things. cries for more after every bite.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


10 months has two bottom teeth and two tops ready to pop through any day. just had a growth spurt and can pull himself to standing position on furniture, starting to try to climb and stand only holding on with one hand.  super snuggly sweet boy. wakes up 3 times at night the last month. wont take bottle or formula. love his mama