Thursday, August 13, 2015

You exist!

We went on vacation to Utah and the few days before and during the trip I Kept getting heartburn (not common for me) I also was really emotional about some stuff  (also totally uncommon for me)
While we were there I kept having dreams of having a baby or nursing a baby, they would wake me up then I'd go back to sleep and it would happen again. This went on for a couple nights. I just knew something was totally off with me.The morning after we got home, I tested, The test was so light I can't believe I even noticed the line!! It was barely photographable. But it was positive and after a while the lines on the tests darkened. I couldn't believe that I had you inside me!! The kids are so excited and so is mommy. Dad is still in shock but he knows he will love you. We are all hoping you are a girl, so Katie can have a little sister. But if you are a boy we will love you just as much :) I can't wait to see you and get your picture in a few weeks at the next doc appointment!