Wednesday, December 14, 2016

7 months got first tooth 2nd just at 8 months popped in.
sitting up at week he turned 8 months
sweet baby with such a bright little smile and face. doesn't care to eat from a spoon even though we keep trying.
either super calm and happy or always fussing loves to be held! :)

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

7/19/2016 Tommy can roll over and his carters brand 6 month onesies are tight on him!
8/11/2016 tommy found his feet today. :)
4 mo so smiley. giggles at crackly toys that sound like plastic, giggles when I change his clothes or diaper. Smiles at everyone such a joyful baby. He cries when left alone he loves to just be near people and has to have feet kicking or touching you and is content.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Whenever Thomas Cries, Katie comes and says "it's ok" I love how she is nurturing to him.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Yesterday Dallin was talking to Tommy and kissed him on the head, and he smiled, then he kissed him 2 more times and he'd smile everytime. Today Tommy smiled at himself in the mirror haha. such a sweetheart baby.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

22 & 26 weeks

Well here we are are 25 weeks pregnant! Kicks are getting stronger and tummy starting to feel really heavy lately.